Journal #4

Journal #4

Position Available for Education and Outreach Coordinator at local Environmental Advocate Non-Profit Organization, Apply today!

We are seeking enthusiastic applicants who will be a great fit for our Education and Outreach Coordinator. At our organization, our mission is to provide our community with a place where they are able to learn and become ambassadors of the marine and terrestrial environments. The position we are offering will allow the ideal candidate to help us in completing this mission. The position involves a great amount of hands-on work by creating education curriculums for our various children programs we have to offer throughout the year. Along with educating the next generation of environmental ambassadors, the job also includes managing our volunteer program. This position will be supervised by our executive director and will be the candidate’s main person of contact. One of our main ways in which we can achieve our mission is by reaching out and connecting with as many people in our surrounding communities and beyond as possible. We are looking for a candidate who preferably has background working with children grades k-12, some experience working or interning with a non-profit organization, and in general has received an undergraduate or graduate degree in an environmental based program of study. The candidate should possess great communication and writing skills. Additional skills may include CPR/Basic First Aid certification and proficiency in Microsoft Office programs. Overall, the perfect candidate will be enthusiastic and have a willingness to learn on the job.


Healthcare Benefits, Salaried Employee, Paid Time Off

Yearly Awarded Salary: $40,000- $60,000

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