Project Revision Rough Draft Feedback

Project Revision Rough Draft Feedback

I was very happy with the feedback that I received on my rough draft. After having going through a difficult time trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to create for my revision project it was helpful to see people understanding the message or point I wanted to make. Even though my draft consisted of a strong introduction and an outline of everything else and how I wanted it formatted, they still will able to see what it would ultimately look like at the end. I plan on having 5 sections to my paper which will be; Introduction of my project and connection to my past work, A brief history of the Penobscot Nation in Maine and the connection to the river, Current legal issue of gaining right to be recognized as a sovereign nation, why this issue is important in connection to respecting indigenous peoples voices (inclusion of the work of Donna Loring and current tribal ambassador), and my concluding thoughts and what I’ve learned. I think those sections will allow me to examine this issue and bring in the connections that I have made with my past work. Again this project has not turned out exactly how I have wanted it to be due to a multitude of reasons but I will be happy with its end result. I hope that it serves as a helpful resource and tool for understanding this ongoing issue of fighting for tribal rights and that people will understand why it matters. 

