ENG 420

ENG 420

Victorian Monsters

This course was taken during the Spring semester of my Junior year at UNE. I enrolled in this course as it helped fulfill an elective course needed for my English minor as well as it being an advanced studies course. I chose this particular course because of its unique works of literature that we were able to read. Some of my favorites included Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde along with Jane Eyre. Along with the analytical essays written in this course the other long term assignment was the creation of a Commonplace Book. I chose a physical hard copy book that I was able to place quotes, images, or other items that connected back to the the work we were focusing on. This was a really unique project that I enjoyed doing and it is great to have to look back at what I learned from not only the literature but my additional research that I included in my Commonplace Book. 


“From Frankenstein to Dracula, this course delves into the underside of Victorian decorum. Known for strict rules and tighter corsets, nineteenth-century Britain also produced some of the best-known monsters. What can we learn from a culture’s monsters about its perception of threat? And what can we learn from the novel — which American author Henry James considered a “loose and baggy monster” itself — about how to contain them, or not? Readings include critical essays and a selection of novels, for example, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, King Solomon’s Mines, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dracula and other lurkers.”

UNE Course Catalog Description
