DS106: The Big Meme

DS106: The Big Meme

DS106: The Big Meme



For this assignment I chose this picture someone captured of this squirrel jumping over this fence. Well when I first saw I it it reminded me of prison breaks where people jump barbed wire to escape and I was like “oh thats’ funny a squirrel escaping prison” well then I also thought of all the cars that kill squirrels and so I kind of combined the ideas together. This picture now depicts a squirrel escaping from a car that’s about to squish him. He’s gained his freedom, for now at least. 

I really enjoyed this daily assignment because I could take any picture and make it about whatever I wanted. The one thing I struggled with was the creating of the meme. The picture itself was slightly difficult for the caption to stand out so I included the blue outline and that seems to have helped the final product of the meme. 


